Nasreen Begum

Nasreen Begum, a visionary artist from Bangladesh, embarks on a mesmerizing exploration of colors, seeking to capture the elusive realm of what could be, rather than what is. Through her artwork, she delves into the creation and extraction of colors, images, and lines, in an unceasing quest for truth and beauty.

Immersing herself in the enchanting hues of sun-drenched seashores and the rhythmic dance of playful waves, Nasreen's paintings evoke a sense of flawless simplicity and purity. She finds inspiration in the innocence of a human child engrossed in collecting seashells on a sandy shore, channeling the restless yet simple essence of youth into her artistic expression.

Every element of nature, no matter how minuscule—a tiny leaf, a wildflower, a droplet of water, floating pollen, the delicate wings of a dragonfly or butterfly—leads Nasreen on her profound journey in search of boundless light. Her art becomes a conduit to explore the interconnectedness between these small wonders and the grander aspects of existence.

As she immerses herself in her creative process, Nasreen's mind undergoes transformation over the passage of time. The relentless pursuit of the unknown light fills each step of her life, driving her ceaseless inquiry. Her paintings encapsulate her philosophy, striving to bring fulfillment to the unfulfilled and touch the untouchable.

In her vibrant compositions, Nasreen skillfully weaves together colors, movement, light, shade, and diverse forms. Her artistic voyage takes her on a quest for the depths of the unconscious, as envisioned by Sigmund Freud, and the enigmatic realm of the unknowable land, as espoused by Lalon, a Bengali philosopher. Each stroke, each color, and each movement in her artwork becomes an exploration of the unconscious and a pathway to the unknowable.

Nasreen Begum's artistic journey is a continuous pursuit, where the destination remains uncertain. She persistently seeks the unconscious and the unknowable land, embracing the mystery that lies within her creations. With each brushstroke, she draws closer to the essence of her own artistic identity and endeavors to touch the profound and ethereal, even as she admits that the path may reveal itself only at the very end of her life.

Through her unwavering dedication and profound artistic vision, Nasreen's paintings evoke a sense of wonder, inviting viewers to join her on an extraordinary odyssey into the realms of the unseen and the intangible.

Select Permanent Collections

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy
Bangladesh National Museum
Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Bengal Foundation, Dhaka

Fashion Model by Nasreen Begum